
Westminster Synagogue


Office Hours

Our office hours are Monday – Friday from 9:00am – 5:30pm.  You can find information on how to find us, further down the page.

Our building is equipped with a lift for universal access to all floors and includes baby changing facilities and an accessible bathroom.

Please note that the Synagogue Office will be closed from Friday, 22nd December until Tuesday 2nd January 2024, but the building will still be open for Shabbat Services.

Please note that the office is closed on Bank Holidays and during Pesach, Shavuot, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah.

Contact Us

Thanks for visiting our site, if you’d like to know more about our community or have questions about your own Jewish journey, please do get in touch with one of our team and we’ll be in touch soon!

Main office Number: 020 7584 3953
Main office email: admin@westminstersynagogue.org or use the links below. To find additional individual member of staffs extension number or email address, click here.

In case of an emergency (e.g. bereavement)out of office hours, please call 020 7584 3953 and press 9.